We wish to invite you to an online webinar. Event will be held on Saturday 19th December at 6:00PM UK time

Please feel free to distribute this event information amongst your friends. There will be Q and A session at the end of the webinar.

Abstract: While most of the world is trying to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems hackers are not on lockdown. Cyber criminals are trying to leverage the emergency by sending out “phishing” attacks that lure internet users to click on malicious links or files. This can allow the hackers to steal sensitive data or even take control of a user’s device and use it to direct further attacks. The last thing you want at a time like this is to become a victim of a cyber-attack and maybe even lose your computer. But there are some straightforward guidelines that should help you protect yourself. This session will discuss the cyber-attacks that took place during COVID-19 and measures we could take to minimise some of these effects.


Dr. Thushara Hewage – Associate Professor in Data security at Cardiff Metropolitian University / Programme Director – Computer Security

Topic: Webinar on Cyber Security

Time: Dec 19, 2020 06:00 PM London

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Passcode: 975973